WELCOME TO CARLY FOR BMW BIKES – THE MOST POWERFUL APP FOR BMW MOTORBIKESPerform manufacturer level diagnostics and clear faults from your BMW Bike.With more than 200-thousand happy Carly customers from all over the world you can’t go wrong.
★ DIAGNOSTICS: Perform a complete health-check of your bike's electronicshttp://www.mycarly.com/product/bmw-bikes-diagnostics/?utm_source=store&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=listing
★ CODINGS: Get the most out of your BMW Bikehttp://support.mycarly.com/knowledge-base/coding-bmw-bikes-carly-bmw-bikes-list-possible/?utm_source=store&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=listing
This function costs more than several hundreds of Euros normally. Carly for BMW Bikes offers manufacturer level quality, is extremely easy to use and costs a fraction. All functions are continually being enhanced and updated.Normal OBD Testers are limited to a very small number of control units (ECUs) and an even smaller number of fault codes. Carly reads practically all compatible ECUs. This is usually only possible with expensive expert hardware.-------------------------------THE LITE VERSION:With the Lite Version of Carly for BMW Bikes you can test compatibility of your car for all functions that the Full License offers. You can purchase a Full License inside the Carly for BMW Bikes App.You need our Generation 2 BMW Adapter for Carly for BMW Bikes.-------------------------------THE RIGHT ADAPTER:To make it easy to connect to your BMW Bike, we build our own adapters. They were specifically built for Carly Apps and a stable connection. The adapters come with this:- LIFETIME WARRANTY- PREMIUM CUSTOMER SUPPORT- PROMISE OF COMPATIBILITY
Check out the adapters:http://www.mycarly.com/product/adapter-android/?utm_source=store&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=listing-------------------------------MORE INFORMATION?http://www.mycarly.com/product/bmw-bikes-app/?utm_source=store&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=listing-------------------------------DO YOU NEED SUPPORT OR DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS?Support: http://support.mycarly.com/?utm_source=store&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=listingCurrent projects of Carly for BMW Bikes: http://www.mycarly.com/projects/bmw-bikes-app/?utm_source=store&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=listing-------------------------------SUPPORTED MODELS AND FUNCTIONSFor these models a test with diagnostics and coding worked fine. Please test compatibility with the free version of Carly for BMW Bikes:
F-Series:• F650GS (2008-2014)• F700GS (2008-2014)• F800S (2007-2015)• F800ST (2006-2012)• F800GS (2008-2012)• F800R (2009-2016)K-Series:• K1300GT, K1300R, K1300S (-2014)R-Series - K25/K255:• R1200GS (2004 – 2012)• R1200GS Adventure (2006-2013)• R1200 R (2006 – 2014)• R1200 ST (2005-2007• R1200 RT (2005 – 2013)• R nineT (2014 - 2016)S-Series:• S1000RR (-2014) S1000RR HP4• S1000R (-2014)